Trips to Greece offer a balanced mix of sea, nature and visits to places where the most famous and fascinating parts of Western civilization originated.
Travels in Greece are a constant discovery and can be easily discovered from any travel news. The best way to enjoy Greece is given by a careful balance between a cultural visit to an archaeological site or a museum of art and history and a pleasant seaside interval or a stop in a typical drinking ouzo, while the ancient gods, from ‘high Olympus, look at you smiling. Destination for many trips, Greece certainly has a wide range of attractions to offer. The beauty of this country is very well known, which is why the place flourishes with tourists all year round, but especially during summer. As of late, though, there has been quite an uproar on the streets of the main cities. Due to the country’s enormous debt, the government has been trying to apply some new regulations in order to clear said debt. However these regulations take a great toll on the lives of the civilians, who feel they are being robbed blind. Therefore there has been a lot of turmoil in the streets due to strikes organised by syndicates and other political parties.
One of the main problems travelers might face when visiting Greece at this time is regular strikes of the public means of transportation. In other words they will have a hard time getting around, and that applies to even those who rent cars for their stay. Steering clear of the main city streets would be a good idea since more often than we like to admit demonstrators block the streets as a form of complaint towards the government. As you can guess this always leads to unpleasant traffic jams. In fact you can avoid the whole upset by visiting an island, where people will be less tense and it will be easier for you to experience greek culture in a more relaxed environment. A must-see when traveling in Greece, not only for those who want to appreciate the natural beauty of the country but also deepen their knowledge of Greek mythology and history is certainly the island of Crete. Here, between the sun and golden beaches, you can start to discover the ancient Minoan civilization, visiting the Palace and the Labyrinth of King Minos at Knossos, or, in Matala, you can enter the fascinating caves dating back to Neolithic times.
If however after all that you still insist on staying in Athens and are keen on experiencing current history deciding events, then staying at a hotel near the center of the capital, Syntagma is the place to be. The civilians are very frustrated over the state of crisis the country is in right now and may even open up to strangers. You may even get to feel their struggle if you choose to join them during one of their strikes.
In general terms it would be wise to think ahead if you’re planning a trip to Greece at this time.
Author: Elsi Hasanaj lives in Greece and writes for Trip and Travel Blog. Elsi loves the sea and looks for trips on the open water. He’s been to Mexico, Norway and Scotland. You can find Trip and Travel Blog on Twitter or Facebook.
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