The world is full of wonderful signs. We were enamored with funny signs, not necessarily goofy misspellings, but signs that just made us laugh out loud. Bathrooms of course had great signage, you may remember our favorite signs from the can. Here are a few that you haven’t seen before:
Oh man, not another Genuine Fake Watch…I was really hoping to find a Turkish Original Rolex. Shoot.
Keep a Safe Distance from Elephants! Way to go captain obvious.
Does this count as a love scene?
That seems abundantly clear. Thanks though.
No prostitution? Seriously, what kind of hotel is this? Thanks for the tip oh trusty guidebook.
A bus in Tanzania. We saw this as we wondered if we would leave on time…turns out we couldn’t.
This one is a little hard to see, but it was a crowded train station! A train departures board in Delhi. I’m not sure which is worse, to be ‘Indefinite Late” or “Technical Failure.”
Taken in Jordan. We’ll keep it our little secret as to which continent it was pointing to…
A business that takes its Bull $h!t seriously!
On the streets of Buenos Aires. Seems like it might be a long drive…
Kelly says
Haha. Cute! I personally love the Love Scenes photo. Classic!
David @ Malaysia Asia says
hehe, the Genuine Fake Watches are classic! Good one!
Jillian says
@Kelly- the love scene one is a favorite of ours too. it’s from costa rica!
@David- Don’t you love a good oxymoron?
Jeremy B says
It’s been a while since I had a genuine fake watch! I think it is time for a new one! No love scenes, watch out for elephants, train problems – where is the fun anymore?
jamie - cloud people adventures says
so much gold. i cant believe how many there are around the world.
Akila says
These are awesome! We did a post kind of like this one about the great signs we saw in China. The Genuine Fake Watches is the best, though.
Juno says
Oh clear messages. I like it. 🙂
Jillian says
@Jamie- I know, we probably should pool our pictures together and publish a book. The only question is, which one wins for the cover?
@Akila- You’re right, China was a treasure trove of mis-translations. We got so used to seeing them we stopped recognizing them as strange!
@Juno- Very, very clear messages. 🙂
Michael Figueiredo says
These are great! I always love seeing funny signs. I think I’m going to have to do my own story about ones from my travels sometime too…
Glen says
Love the elephant warning.
Grace says
I’ve always wondered about funny signs especially those that are in “tourist hotspots” you would have thought that it would be easy for them to ask someone for a better translation for it…I love the genuine fake watches one. =)
inka says
Great selection. The genuine fakes are spread worldwide.
Laurel says
Thanks for the laugh, I needed it today!
Jillian says
@Inka & Laurel- Our Turkish couchsurfing friends called them “Turkish Originals” and the name sort of stuck. Interestingly enough a German friend also used the name Turkish Original. Perhaps its a globally recognized brand? haha
Jozef @ Where Now says
Haha great post. You do see some funny signs traveling. We are gathering a nice little collection too!
Migrationology says
Awesome funny collection, it’s so great to see some of the goofy signs from around the world!
Laura says
These are so fun! I especially like you love scene photo.
Christy @ Ordinary Traveler says
Signs around the world can really make you laugh. These are great!
Amanda says
Haha, so fun! I like the love scene photo, as well as the “Estados Unidos” one along with your caption… a long drive indeed!
Dustin Main - Skinny Backpacker says
As a hilarious sign lover, I approve. You’ve found some gold here 🙂